It sounds so easy but in reality is quite challenging to actually tune yourself to what is really worth listening. We hear sounds and noises all the time but even that we've become so experienced in blocking. For example, are you aware that when there's a noise that is constant you stop noticing it? Like the fan on top of your stove or the traffic noise outside your window.
Well we've also become numbed to the sounds of our body and that is the result of unconscious behavior that leads to unconscious self-destruction. By not listening the alarms of your own body we become prone to hurt it without noticing it.
This is all happening in a very subtle way. The body like the soul speak in whispers. The mind is the only one that shouts making us deaf to all the rest that is 'out there' or should I say 'in here'.
Communication is the key for understanding
The body has different ways of communication, like pain, which I'm sure you are very aware of and probably have learn how to block it almost as fast as it shows up.
We use drugs of all kinds to get rid of the pain ASAP. But have you ever stopped to observe why that pain showed up? Why do you have that constant headache? or why or when did that back pain started?
Do you realize that without pain we will kill ourselves without even being aware of it? Without pain we could not know that there's something wrong that needs ATTENTION! Yes, it needs attention. Not to be ignored or numbed into submission with drugs, medications, alcohol, food, cloths, friends, and all kinds of addictions.
Pills kill your ability to heal yourself
Pain-killers and big part of all prescription drugs are the worse enemy of your body. Definitely the best ally of your untrained, undisciplined and fearful mind but is not at all something that is useful for you.
If your world is so small that you think that the most important part of your life is your job and the ability to pay bills then pills are by default your best friend. You will put your body to extreme situations of stress and exhaustion that when your body starts complaining you'll shut the fuck out of it with a good set of pills and/or drugs. This could be from your wine in the evening to a constant supply of medications that will allow you to keep going the next day.
This happens in all senses of your life. If we have poor self-esteem we learn to numb the pain with expensive cloths, over worked-out body or a very well paid job that demands so much from us that we don't have time to really heal the problem. Since to heal anything we need to invest time and effort in understanding the situation and how it all began.
Let's take whatever is bothering you in your life right now, what ever it is. From the simplest issues to the most complicated. From pimples in your face or constant farting to a total collapse of your immune system, brain tumors or cancer.
Whatever situation you have right now. If you are taking medication or not for it. Whatever is not right in your body (this includes mental problems like depression, paranoia, etc ) let's take a moment to observe it and listen to it... not talking to it but listening... shhhhhh!
Let's take the time to hear what is all about. Why are we experiencing that situation that we're suffering with.
-Remember that your pains are only yours. So don't take the easy way out in saying - Oh, my illness is caused by bad genetics or it has run in my family for generations.
If it has run in your family for generations it's because no one in your family has had the guts and/or the wisdom to finish with the chain of pain that has been afflicting your family for ages.
But now you can do it! allow all your next generation; your children and children's children to be free of chains that keep them stock in constant suffering.
3 minutes can change the world
Sounds too simple? Well, I dare you to try! No one who tried to listen to their body has come out empty handed. NO ONE! However very few try because of the fear to feel the pain that we've been trained so well to avoid.
As I said in my last post, we need the wisdom to see pain in different ways. As friend, as an ally to our problems. But your body will demand time, not too much thou but at least 3 minutes a day. For 3 minutes stop all that you're doing and thinking and just allow yourself to feel, observe and listen all that is happening inside of your inner universe.
Behold the power of love
Only you have the power to heal your body. Doctors will help you detect problematic areas and could assist you in solving symptoms but for the problem to be resolved in full it requires your observation.
When the issue has become recurrent and chronic then the body is demanding full attention and no magic pill, no magic treatment will get you out of it. Then the only solution will be to learn to understand your body, learn to listen to your body or die to be able to start all over agin.
Reverse countdown
Your body clock is ticking. We are getting older by the second. Our bodies are getting more tired with every breath we take. But guess what? it doesn't have to be this way. Our mind conditioning tells us that we are getting older and that one day we will die. And thanks God is that way, believe me, like we need sleep every night we also need to die at some point to recharge and get ready for the next big adventure.
However if you want to stay up all night you can do it, don't you? Well the same thing applies to death, we can postpone it as long as we want, we just can't avoid it.
If you want to reverse your life and instead of getting older, start getting younger; If you'd like to get healthier by the second to the point of a new born baby then the first step is to shut up your mind and listen to your budy.... because he/she is the best thing that ever happen to you and really is the temple of your life. Isn't it time that we give it a good make over from the inside out?
All you need to do to turn around the clock is:
- Listen to your body
- Observe your inner wisdom
- Feel the change within yourself
A blog meant to work together hand to hand with our own bodies
Together we can do it!
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