Tuesday, April 19, 2022


Hello everyone and welcome to my blog.

I want to give a quick update about what has happened since my last post from the 10th of October 2013. In that post I exposed my cure from HIV after an Elisa test I bought from the internet. Over the years, I confirmed that the disease is not that much in the body as in the mind. As I mention on my first post titled: WHAT IS HIV AND HOW TO HEAL IT

Today, as I did back then, I believe HIV is more a condition of the mind, a set of beliefs that trigger responses in the body reaffirming the negative limiting beliefs we hold about ourselves. 

Another point that has become very evident over the years is the massive impact the diagnosis and word from authorities have in the process of changing beliefs systems. When a doctor says to your face "unless you take your medication you are going to die." goes much deeper than just words talked by another human being. 

In this respect, that human being is considered an authority in his or her field. - We are conditioned to believe and trust authority for many reasons but mainly out of fear of the consequences if we don't. I can see that as the result of generations of telling children what to do, respect the teachers and parents, and of course your doctor, which is understood, knows best. 

So what about now? Why is now so different, specially around HIV/AIDS, and now even developing into the COVID-19 pandemic which in my opinion is just another level of manipulation and indoctrination. I just ask myself few questions. 

  1. Why are there so many scientist and doctors opposing the theories about those viruses?
  2. Why there are so worried about silencing those voices?
 Anyway. For me, the fact that mainstream news, governments and pharmaceutical companies are so concern in having just ONE belief about an illness or disease, makes me question about other possible solutions where we become more empowered and less caught in the money making system. 


Since 2013, I accomplished many things. Some important, others not that much but all quite relevant for my personal growth. 
  1. I wrote my memoirs in 2015, self-published in 2016
  2. Had a massive breakdown with my family in 2016 when I came to Madrid to present them with my book and I was backlashed by their complete disregard. As if breaking free from a disease was nothing important.
  3. Had a mental breakdown.
  4. A neighbour saved me from a total meltdown by choosing me as his companion during his last breath.
  5. I began retroviral treatment in 2017, as a way to rebel against all my beliefs. Up to that point, achieving a balance took huge effort from my part. 
    a) Specific diet and juices
    b) Rigorous Kundalini Yoga daily routine.
    c) Hours of meditation per day.

    I was really tired of all the effort and decided to give myself a break of all the self-control. The fall down with my family also helped me to take that decision since I thought if no one care why should I care myself. 
  6. Began training in social care and looked for a job from 2017 
  7. Attended my first group therapy with Survivors UK
  8. Tappilini is born. (Tapping or EFT + Kundalini + Breathwork)
  9. 2018 - Cut my antiretroviral treatment in half with same "undetectable" results.
  10. 2020 - Stopped my HIV treatment completely as the COVID pandemic hit the world.
  11. March 2020 - September 2021. Felt great and empowered without taking medication. Not afraid of disease, peaceful and determined. 
  12. 31 December 2020 with my mother staying with me, we decided to go online LIVE to celebrate the New Year's with family, friends and anyone on Facebook. 
  13. Tappilini becomes a Limited Company and begins to trade.
  14. August 2021, I quit my full-time job with the view to go to Mexico in a tour promoting Tappilini.
  15. I can't make my dream come true, and I stay in the UK.
  16. I hired a coach in America to help me create business but the payments are too much for me and I'm not making the the ends meet. 
  17. Struggle with money, fall into depression, anxiety. 
  18. I don't know how to make money. Self-belief crumbles. I feel like sh!t.
  19. Health-wise, my body stays strong but it begins to suffer gradually. 
  20. March 2022, two years since I stopped the HIV treatment I began wondering if I should restart. With all the stress in my life I cry for help and support. 

And this is where I am right now. Realising that all the stress and anxiety from my personal life trying to balance all aspect of it, are a huge factor for the decline in my health. However, and in truth, is a matter of managing my emotions and stress levels. 

I never thought I could suffer from anxiety. I always blamed PTSD and childhood trauma, but never really connected with the symptoms of "High Functioning Anxiety", until last night after watching a TikTok. I know, it's to the highest level of research but it was more like a call of intuition. A wake up call. 

The following post will show the development from this point. 

Thank you so much for being part of my journey. I hope some how it helps putting out there the struggle and the achievements of this quest into pristine SELF-BELIEF AND HEALTH. 

Much Love Always x 333

Eduardo Emris Blanco

Thursday, October 10, 2013

IAM CURED. 6 Months after testing HIV NEGATIVE

I want to document what's been going on for the last 6 months after testing negative for HIV.

First a bit of history.
-2005. THE TSUNAMI: THE WORSE YEAR OF MY LIFE.  I was going through a terrible depression due to my grandmother's death in december 2004. Because of that and many more issues of insecurity, fear and inadequacy I quit my job as fitness manager, left London and went to live in Madrid where my older brother lives. It didn't workout and I left to Barcelona where I met a guy I've been chatting with on Gaydar from Amsterdam. I began to do drugs for the first time in my life in regular bases GHB, Ecstasy and Cocaine.
-2006. A SLOW DEATH: I was diagnosed HIV positive in March 2006. I didn't care. I felt as if I deserved my punishment and I just wanted to die. Doctors said I could live for up to 20 years in good health. I didn't care. I knew I was going to be dead in less than a year. I began the total collapse of my life.
-2007. THE END: October 24, 2007: I had an OverDose in October 2007 with Crystal-Meth and experienced the famous light at the end of the tunnel.
2007. THE BEGINNING: I came back with a new perspective, a complete new vision of life. Didn't need rehab. I continued smoking weed. Began to have some sort of spiritual connection very powerful but confusing. didn't know what to think of it.
2008. THE BIG BANG: 21th March, 2008: I discover the dissident story about HIV www.rethinkingaids.com and stop my treatment after 1 week of starting.
2009: LIVING HELL. Doubts, questions, illness, diarrea, meditation, yoga, weakness, darkness, hope, dreams, more confusion, more doubts, more fear... a lot more.
2010: SOME LIGHT HAPPENS: I began to get used to pain, I can begin to have a normal life without people knowing in the hell I'm living. I pretend to be happy, I pretend nothing happens. I began to teach Kundalini Yoga and Spiritual Coaching from Home.
2011: THE JOURNEY: I know something radical needs to happen. I cannot continue pretending. I'm suffering, I don't know what's true or not. My doubts are killing me. My fear is greater than my faith. I need to do something BIG. I give up all my possessions and leave to the Mexican jungle to live or die.
2012: 211212 THE BIG ALIGNMENT: In January 2012 I fell ill with pneumonia and swine flu. I said "I want NO DOCTORS". I was ready to die in peace and surrendered completely. If my body couldn't live I had no intentions to change that. I could not believe in the Orthodox version of HIV. IT SIMPLY MADE NO SENSE TO ME but my mind and spirit were too weak to believe fully in the  conspiracy theory. I DIED
2013: IAM READY: IAM NO PROPHET: After a series of events and awareness, changes of consciousness and physical states. I had a total rebirth, a total reboot of all my energy, whatever that is I. Somehow, at some point following my Intuition Only, I transformed and one day I knew it was time to test again. Went to a privet clinic and had the test done, Invented everything, all my history,my name, my sexual preferences, life history, the blood it still the same....and it came back NEGATIVE. Did 2 more tests, with the same results. One within the NHS....came back negative, doctors say I'm a "MISTAKE IN THE SYSTEM" I say "OK"

Almost 6 months after those results. I can say the results changed nothing in me but meant the confirmation I was looking for. I am the Master of my destiny and with Discipline and Power of my Mind and Spirit I can transform myself in anyway I need and want.
The transition has been easy, sometimes I forget I'm not 20y/o anymore and need to be mindful of my age and current limitations but in reality I feel as if I were 21 all over again. Im gaining muscle mass like never before, I could eat a horse every day but I'm loving my vegetarian diet. I sleep very well and wake up full of energy. I have no addictions and have stopped all weed and alcohol. besides the sporadical joint or glass of wine. Iam happy, healthy and fearless.
I fully believe we do not heal from HIV. since there's nothing to heal. But in our minds we believe in a virus and that is all the healing we need to do. YOGA, MEDITATION, ASCENSION, APPRECIATION, CONTEMPLATION, VINDICATION, GRACE AND LOVE... That's how I did it.

If we can heal the wounds of fear we can heal anything.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

THE BATTLE BEGINS - What Negative-HIV Positive people should know

What is Negative-Positive HIV?
This is a concept that I came up with, based in my own experience. It means when people with huge amount of inner-conflicts and traumas get a positive HIV diagnosis.

How do you know if you are a Negative-Positive individual? 
You know you have lots of issues, life is difficult even before your diagnosis, you may have enjoyed very good overall health throughout your life or not. Besides how healthy your body was or is, your mind felt always in crisis. You have lots of addictions (people, foods, substances, beliefs), fears, insecurities, and sets of behaviours that are unhealthy and keep you trapped in a very limiting reality about yourself. All this is true, even before your diagnosis but normally found its peak of crisis around the time you got your positive HIV status. 

Life is Simple - We just choose to complicate it to match what we believe is true 
There are some very simple answers to very complicated questions. But you need to learn to listen before they can begin to actually make sense to you. If you are like me, it doesn't matter how much easier life would be if you simply listen and don't react. Instead, find balance, congruence and wisdom before you decide your next move. But we don't do that, do you?
- You are very emotional, and tend to react (mostly negatively) towards anything happening in your life. If someone says YES, you say NO. If someone says DO THIS, you do the exact opposite. I believe this is a way to feel independent and a true attribute of your soul. However, when you don't have clarity of mind and many things feel so wrong inside, its very difficult to be able to stand back and not react to the circumstances happening to you and around you. And that is OK. At this point it's simply a matter of acknowledging and becoming aware.

After then initial shock, and once you have digested the idea of your positive diagnosis, you'll begin to think that you can now begin to pick up the pieces and restore your life...  But restore it to what? To the way it was before? But before was already shit, you just didn't have a HIV diagnosis. Then restore to life to what? By this time, which normally occur only few months after becoming aware of your new status, you need to choose and take massive and constant leaps of faith: Either you believe you can heal yourself, change your lifestyle, your behaviour, your mind, look for support mechanisms, learn new things about yourself, or... realise there are many ways to heal and choose not take medication or believe that you believe you can't do this and believe you need to be healed by others and start your retro-viral treatment. 

What happens when you choose not to medicate yourself?
First, you feel like your own hero. feel proud and secure but this feeling normally lasts only few seconds. Next, you PANIC!
When the traumatised mind takes over your inicial 'feeling good' state you begin to question yourself, listening to other people opinions more than your gut feeling and then the real problem begins... you doubt, and doubt a lot....and that is when all goes to hell.

A vist to hell, actually is not that bad
What happens when you doubt is you create a conflict between your mind and soul. One thinks you need to listen to doctors, media and people around you; your soul feel you can trust your gut and believe you can do it. Prepare, this battle is like nothing you have experienced before. This is definitely a fight between life and death. Oh yes, this can definitely kill you. If you're not prepared and your faith is weak you will end very sick and eventually dead or back to your doctor friends and under HIV medication right after they clean the mess you created.

Meet your demons
Many many times your faith and resolutions will be tested. You will get sick and all the typical signs of AIDS will apear. Oh, fuck yeah! here is a list of this beauties:
- Candidiasis
- Diarea
- Weight loss
- Depression
- Pneumonia
- Sarcoma (cancer)
- Skin problems
- And a shit load more of your favs demons and fears.

These have to become your new best friends and opponents in your battle for survival. Depending on how deep in shit you are, you'll find that the challenge is tailored to match.

Let the battle begin: 1st round
Right now, you know your need to do something about your health and life, but have no idea what to do. Your life is upside down, either because it already was upside or because the new diagnosis put it that way. Demons (anything and everything that brings you down) begin the fight for your soul (joy, peace, clarity) and make the first move. 

At this point, you begin to worry about absolutely EVERYTHING, and your life feels like a massive limbo where nothing moves and everything feels threatening. You fear it to death, but nevertheless try very hard to find evidence that something really wrong is going on.

Your demons take another blow at you and that puts you out of balance. Now you start loosing appetite and therefore weight too. A big part of your mind thinks this is because the HIV; another part of you doesn't know what's wrong, although you are certain there's something wrong with you. You just don't know what is it or how not to feel that way. 

Now you begin to look, and even obsess with everything that is not right. Your weight, the tone of your skin, the way everything feels. Everything feels like shit. (even more than before your diagnosis). Now, your demons start to feel confident and send you another blow, this time in the way of your family and friends. This is the lowest of all blows as they use your love, and fear of loosing what you love to take away any particle of faith away from you. 

Your loved ones come to you beging for reconsideration, a sensible mind to listen to what is been said to you and go back to the clinic and take your medication. They rather see you deployed of any inner-confidence and self-belief than dead. - Oh.... this is a very low blow. Your Demons take advantage of your guilt, shame and fear in life and make you feel even worse than what you already felt before. After, this punch, that probably landed you inside a bottle of wine or something, trying to escape the massive pain of not-knowing how to change things, yourself, your conditions, the way people see you, etc... then, once you touched rock bottom (yet again) you realise is time to get up and raise again, building up your courage and with tears in your eyes you say: I CAN DO IT. 
Demons and their teammates retreat to rethink strategies. You won the battle and there's a spark of optimism and strength... but you haven't won the war.

All goes down the drain: 2nd round
After your initial victory, your self-esteem builds up, confidence goes to the roof, you feel stronger, happier and bloody powerful. By this time you feel you can extinguish hell with the power of your farts  and that evil have been defeated.... Little that you know, its only part of the game and very soon you feel like something is very wrong...AGAIN!  

You have no idea what could it be and wait until you cannot longer breathe, or horrible dark spots appear on your skin to run back to the HIV clinic like a frighten pussy asking for forgiveness and promising to be a good girl from now on. 

They cure your wounds, put you in hospital, save you from imminent death and show you how cancer and possibly pneumonia can kill you if you don't listen to them.
You go back home with a bag full of medications under your arm and feel stupid for having reached so a low point in your life. That bag of medicines feels like a signed treaty with the devil where you sold your soul away. But now you know you will survive at least for 20 more years and that someone is taking care of you. You begin to believe in them and all is well.... Point to your Demons.... ONE ALL.

Holding on for a hero: The final Round
Life by now couldn't feel better. You gained back your weight, going to the gym feels like a walk in the park, you feel strong, sexy, beautiful, no worries about life and death and your energy levels reach they peak. You can't remember when was the last time you felt this good.... 

Oh yes, you do remember... You remember when life was artificially enhanced, when you where taking all the illegal and recreational drugs available in the market into every orifice in your body. From steroids, pills, drinks, powders, etc.... Oh yes, you do remember how much you enjoyed getting fucked and you smile to yourself :) 

But then, like a blow from Thor's hammer, you also remember the ugly reality, the very low lows and the spastic guilt and shame that came every time afterwards, during the "coming down". 

Something gets triggered within your heart, and once again the questions begin to warm up in your heart and mind. - Is this the best I can do?  

Signs begin to apear and your spirit wakes up little by little every time you see 11:11 or 3:33 [Nil poi]

Wow, what the hell is going on?
Well my friend, I'm sorry to have to tell you but, you are mistaken. This is not hell, in fact this is heaven. You realise, you have a hidden card you didn't even know you had. THE FUCKING UNIVERSE IS BEHIND YOU and suddenly all goes mad. You through your pills down the toilet, you announce your new decision to your family and friends. Everybody thinks you're crazy, your mom cries but understands she needs to let you go, your friends some abandone you, others believe in you. But the best of all is that YOU FOUND A LITTLE BELIEF IN YOURSELF. Fucking hell, this time you can do it! You know you wont die but even if you do, it is better to die fighting than to live in chuckles. WE ARE FREE and with this, you'll always win, we are winners of our own destiny. We choose to be whatever we feel like being and we feel great. We know this is only the beginning but we are not afraid and if we are, at least the fears are not stronger than your faith. AND YOU ARE HAPPY once again :)


- When you beecome self-aware and ready to take 3 conscious deep long breaths every 30 min all day-every day, you may say you are in your path. THE MOMENT you beecome aware of EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE, all the time, to the point of not been able to think anything else but of making life happens within you, then and only then you can say you have achieved ENLIGHTENMENT.... and I have, IAM.

What to know my Secrets?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Listening to your body

It sounds so easy but in reality is quite challenging to actually tune yourself to what is really worth listening. We hear sounds and noises all the time but even that we've become so experienced in blocking. For example, are you aware that when there's a noise that is constant you stop noticing it? Like the fan on top of your stove or the traffic noise outside your window.

Well we've also become numbed to the sounds of our body and that is the result of unconscious behavior that leads to unconscious self-destruction. By not listening the alarms of your own body we become prone to hurt it without noticing it.
This is all happening in a very subtle way. The body like the soul speak in whispers. The mind is the only one that shouts making us deaf to all the rest that is 'out there' or should I say 'in here'.

Communication is the key for understanding
The body has different ways of communication, like pain, which I'm sure you are very aware of and probably have learn how to block it almost as fast as it shows up.
We use drugs of all kinds to get rid of the pain ASAP. But have you ever stopped to observe why that pain showed up? Why do you have that constant headache? or why or when did that back pain started?

Do you realize that without pain we will kill ourselves without even being aware of it? Without pain we could not know that there's something wrong that needs ATTENTION! Yes, it needs attention. Not to be ignored or numbed into submission with drugs, medications, alcohol, food, cloths, friends, and all kinds of addictions.

Pills kill your ability to heal yourself
Pain-killers and big part of all prescription drugs are the worse enemy of your body. Definitely the best ally of your untrained, undisciplined and fearful mind but is not at all something that is useful for you.
If your world is so small that you think that the most important part of your life is your job and the ability to pay bills then pills are by default your best friend. You will put your body to extreme situations of stress and exhaustion that when your body starts complaining you'll shut the fuck out of it with a good set of pills and/or drugs. This could be from your wine in the evening to a constant supply of medications that will allow you to keep going the next day.

This happens in all senses of your life. If we have poor self-esteem we learn to numb the pain with expensive cloths, over worked-out body or a very well paid job that demands so much from us that we don't have time to really heal the problem. Since to heal anything we need to invest time and effort in understanding the situation and how it all began.

Let's take whatever is bothering you in your life right now, what ever it is. From the simplest issues to the most complicated. From pimples in your face or constant farting to a total collapse of your immune system, brain tumors or cancer.
Whatever situation you have right now. If you are taking medication or not for it. Whatever is not right in your body (this includes mental problems like depression, paranoia, etc ) let's take a moment to observe it and listen to it... not talking to it but listening... shhhhhh!

Let's take the time to hear what is all about. Why are we experiencing that situation that we're suffering with.
-Remember that your pains are only yours. So don't take the easy way out in saying - Oh, my illness is caused by bad genetics or it has run in my family for generations.
If it has run in your family for generations it's because no one in your family has had the guts and/or the wisdom to finish with the chain of pain that has been afflicting your family for ages.
But now you can do it! allow all your next generation; your children and children's children to be free of chains that keep them stock in constant suffering.

3 minutes can change the world
Sounds too simple? Well, I dare you to try! No one who tried to listen to their body has come out empty handed. NO ONE! However very few try because of the fear to feel the pain that we've been trained so well to avoid.

As I said in my last post, we need the wisdom to see pain in different ways. As friend, as an ally to our problems. But your body will demand time, not too much thou but at least 3 minutes a day. For 3 minutes stop all that you're doing and thinking and just allow yourself to feel, observe and listen all that is happening inside of your inner universe.

Behold the power of love
Only you have the power to heal your body. Doctors will help you detect problematic areas and could assist you in solving symptoms but for the problem to be resolved in full it requires your observation.
When the issue has become recurrent and chronic then the body is demanding full attention and no magic pill, no magic treatment will get you out of it. Then the only solution will be to learn to understand your body, learn to listen to your body or die to be able to start all over agin.

Reverse countdown
Your body clock is ticking. We are getting older by the second. Our bodies are getting more tired with every breath we take. But guess what? it doesn't have to be this way. Our mind conditioning tells us that we are getting older and that one day we will die. And thanks God is that way, believe me, like we need sleep every night we also need to die at some point to recharge and get ready for the next big adventure.
However if you want to stay up all night you can do it, don't you? Well the same thing applies to death, we can postpone it as long as we want, we just can't avoid it.

If you want to reverse your life and instead of getting older, start getting younger; If you'd like to get healthier by the second to the point of a new born baby then the first step is to shut up your mind and listen to your budy.... because he/she is the best thing that ever happen to you and really is the temple of your life. Isn't it time that we give it a good make over from the inside out?

All you need to do to turn around the clock is:
- Listen to your body
- Observe your inner wisdom
- Feel the change within yourself



A blog meant to work together hand to hand with our own bodies
Together we can do it!


Visit the old HIV Chronicles:


Friday, April 1, 2011

What is HIV? A holistic view in depth

Why now, why even bother?
Because it has become my life to search for truth and enlightenment where I can only find confusion and darkness. With this I don't want to say that everything out there is a lie. It is just not the truth that I feel comfortable with and therefore I feel the need to search and research for my own until I am happy with the truth I find and which my only intention is to share with you in case there is something in here that rings a bell that could guide your own search for truth in a direction that feel comfortable within yourself.

What is HIV?
As I said in the last post and now I want to go deeper into my explanation, I believe that HIV is a self-defense mechanism that is dormant in every human body, in every human cell and is activated when we reach a certain point in our lives that demands change. Normally this happens when we reach dangerous levels of self destruction, regardless of us being aware of it or not. And here I want to make a remark: The majority of us don't realize the damage we are causing to our bodies until is already too late. I'm not only talking about the damage we are all aware of like disease, illness, addictions and stress that we have become experts in masking with pills and treatments but the damage we are not aware of and is even more damaging like: poor self-esteem, fear of rejection, vanity, obsession with money and power, total lack of spiritual believes, etc.

I believe that in this moment in time, we, the human race is in the last sprint to reach a different level of awareness. All the chaos that we see around is not coincidence, all the tragedy happening in every corner of the planet are not just isolated events. Everything is connected and I believe HIV is one of the greatest and less understood new possibilities for human evolution ever imagined.
HIV give us the opportunity to change, to become aware of who we are and what is our potential as humans. Not only HIV but every single catastrophe in this planet, every tragedy is clinically design to adapt and create the right opportunity of growth to the person or the group of persons being affected by the calamity. From breast cancer to the tsunami and now nuclear catastrophe in Japan. All tragedies bring people together to fight for the same cause and find their own strength in the process. In the same way I believe HIV creates the perfect chaos and environment for people to grow stronger by their own weaknesses.

In some cases HIV means accepting the situation and getting into medical treatment with retrovirals and that's great, that's a success story in it own by the people needing this answer. For others is a deeper opportunity to know about themselves and how their bodies work, and this is where I am.

Changing sides
If we, for a change and for only once in our lives have the wisdom to see calamity not as an evil sent to make us suffer but as a blessing to wake us up to new ideas and possibilities for our own sake, we will be able to see light where we only experienced darkness, fear and doubt.

A new horizon will open in front of us just by the reality of we becoming aware of different possibilities.

Truth, what is truth?
Truth is what ever frequency resonates within you. And guess what? your frequency is unique, which can also adjust to vibrate at the same level of other frequencies and create a new frequency of itself; this is what many people call 'collective consciousness'. However your truth, is only yours and the only thing we can do with it is to emit our signals like radio waves to the outside world with the message: [This is my truth, this is the frequency I vibrate on'] What for? Just for the sake of sharing light. That doesn't mean that our light will be the light for others, but it will show to others that we don't need somebody else's light to see in front of us, but we all have our own light to enlighten our own path.

So with HIV, the light and the frequency I AM sending out is: HIV is an opportunity to grow, to become aware of our own potential to heal ourselves and the possibility of a different way of healing each other.

As everything in life this may not be the way for many people. But I'm sure (because I've seen it), and I know many people which are in search of their own truth, that all what I'm talking here makes some kind of sense somewhere inside our hearts.

Our mind will always try to convince us of a different reality, the reality of whatever is tangible and someone else can corroborate providing security and safety, not because is good or bad; right or wrong... that would be judgmental, but because it has been trained to do so by us and by the belief that what other people say to us should become our own truth as well.

We now have the opportunity to re-train our mind to be our greatest ally in the re-creation of who we are and who we want to be - not our worse enemy that kills us slowly with our own addictions, insecurities and fears.

I believe that the calamity of HIV is the greatest blessing this society has ever seen and I'm here to prove by example and as my personal choice that healing can happen from the inside out, without pills or toxic treatments. This blog is the result of more that 33 years of search and research in all fields, scientific and none-scientific, ayurvedic, spiritual and self-introspection... An ongoing search and research for light, knowledge and wisdom.

As the blog develops, I will share with you all my sources for you to make up your own mind of what you believe is closer to your truth.

Please note:
DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU READ ON THIS BLOG BEFORE PUTING IT TO THE TEST. Ask yourself, make your own research, before casting judgement on its favor or against.

Why do people die of HIV?
I believe is mainly because of fear and ignorance. Fear stop us from moving forward, actually fear stop us moving in any direction. If you don't believe me just try to remember the last time you felt fear, real fear... Before running for your life (which is a survival mode stronger even than fear) or confronting the situation (if you're brave enough) you probably stood at least for a second completely paralyzed by fear.
Now, the problem comes when the second you stay paralyzed becomes your life. Then you're not going anywhere and many people die living this way.
We have becomes experts in doing the same thing, we're virtuosos in doing what we've been told to do, we are masters in becoming the same old me. "Let me do what I know best because that makes me feel safe" - That is our insecure mind talking. Why the greatest entrepreneurs always risk before they achieve? Why anyone who has ever done anything needed to step out of their comfort zone?
Let my ego tell you why?
Because that's the only way to achieve something that is worth doing. And guess what? even that thing will become obsolete once you achieve it. You'll realize that it was only the next step forward and now a new step has appear in front of you. You're soul will ask you for more. Not out of greed but out of the need for constant evolution and growth... Your mind in the other hand will keep you stocked doing the same thing and accepting whatever is already laid down for you.

So, to go back to the question, why do people die of HIV? I'd like to share with you my own story.
I've been very close to die many times. I actually died few years back with a drug overdose caused by my inability to deal with my own HIV. From the moment I got the diagnosis I just wanted to die. I knew I would never be the same, I felt dirty, corrupted, I knew I was sick and that I would never have a place in the 'normal' world I had worked so hard to belong to. My world collapsed and in my mind the only thing worth doing was to self destruct and the quicker the better. I tried suicide many times, but I was so afraid of dying that I was not even good at that. So I did it slowly...
Let me tell you that all this was happening without me being aware of it.... I know this now but at that time, I didn't realize I was destructing myself. It took a lot of courage and a second chance to make me understand this fact and I took the decision of changing my approach completely towards HIV, life and spirituality. I couldn't take the version of you're still sick but there's a magic pill that will keep you ok for a while. I'm my mind and in my heart there was only one possible reality: I CAN HEAL MYSELF - I CAN TURN THE CLOCK AROUND AND BE FULLY HEALTHY AGAIN- I CAN RE-BALANCE MY LIFE, MY BODY AND MY SOUL. The following question is: HOW and that's what this blog is all about.

I know, this is just one story out of the millions of HIV stories out there, but this is the only one I can talk about. And this story taught me that HIV kills by fear. By fear of not being good enough, fear of rejection, fear of death itself but if we can see it through another glass we can also realize that it can save our lives and the life of many others by simply change the approach, our conditionings and believes of who we are.

Thank you so very much for your attention in reading this, I hope to see you in all my future posts. I'd love to hear all your comments, questions, suggestions and I'm also very keen on debating anything said in this blog so please don't be shy and shoot! :)


A blog meant to work together hand to hand with our own bodies
Together we can do it!


Visit the old HIV Chronicles:


Thursday, March 31, 2011

What is HIV and how to heal yourself

Let me tell you how I have come to understand what HIV is.

I believe HIV is a defense mechanism living in every human body activated when we reach dangerous levels of self-destructive behaviors, instead of a deadly disease caused by a virus passed on by unprotected sex or blood transfusion.

How did I came up with this conclusion?
First by pure coincidence. One day I stumbled upon information over the internet claiming that HIV is not the cause of AIDS, like on this website: http://www.rethinkingaids.com and many more websites and blogs, oh and lots of videos on youtube, you just need to google 'HIV fact or fraud'.
There's so much information out there that makes me wonder why no one knows about it or talks about it openly.
However, even thou something immediately changed within me, I was still left with massive amount of questions that could be resumed in one: If HIV is not the caused of AIDS, then what is it? I mean, people still get sick and without treatment still die. Why?

Then by years of research trying to understand the whole paradigm of HIV, I went into a process of self discovery I knew that if I wanted to find truth I needed to go somewhere to do my research. But where is that place? Not the internet or the library or the doctors or my friends. There the only information you can get is:
1. HIV is the Virus that causes AIDS
2. HIV is NOT the virus that causes AIDS

If you believe that HIV is a virus then the next step is to get retro-viral treatment and monitor the CD4 and viral load in your blood. Getting very toxic pills that will keep that in control.

However, if you believe that HIV is NOT a virus then what do you do? How do you start feeling normal again? How do you start feeling alive and part of the society? How do you start feeling healthy? Is not easy to go against what everybody else believes to be the truth.
When every single person tell you that you are dying and that is better to get medical treatment before you end up consuming yourself in all kinds of diseases in total weakness until your imminent death, you kind of start building a bloody big fear inside... and sooner or later it will manifest in our health... forget about any virus, the bloody fear will kill you first... and the reason why many jump into retroviral treatment without hesitation.

How to overcome this situation?
Obviously what the promoters of the 'controversy theory' say the secret is: Is to get into a healthy lifestyle and overcome the fear of dying and the weight of the hiv diagnosis.
WOW, that sounds so simple... I mean it can be said in one single sentence. What they don't tell you is how to turn your life around from whatever got you to have an HIV diagnosis to a healthy lifestyle where instead of believing that you're dying believe that you're getting healthier and stronger by the second. (that is the purpose of this blog and I will share my research with you)

If you have HIV symptoms like diarrhea, weight loss, candidiasis, fungus overgrown, PCP or pneumonia, allergies, sleep depravation, depression, addictions to drugs (all kinds, legal or illegal) you need help and fast! But wait, I'm not talking to go running to your closest HIV clinic, I'm talking about running to your closest mirror and begin the greatest journey you have ever imagined.

Doctors know best.... Oh really?
let's make a difference here between doctor or prescription givers and scientist.
-Doctors nowadays are those people who spent year after year polluting their minds with other people's standards of truth. Believing like missionaries on whatever is been told to them and accepting it like religion and the word of god itself.
-scientists are the other kind of people who believe in research and coming up with their own truth and conclusions. Taking what others have done, questioning it, putting it to the test, taking what works and discarding what does not.

A doctor will treat you like an statistic and will prescribed you according to the books.
A scientist will treat you as an individual case with individual needs and will look for your individual symptoms and will suggest different treatments all of which will be on trial period depending on how you react to them.

So after years of my own research I could definitely recommend that if you need a second opinion don't even get closer to a doctor, instead look up for a scientist that is willing to understand you as a person specially regarding HIV. (I'll share my list of scientist in future posts)

However, no doctor, no scientist will ever know better than your own body. The question here is who is more in tune to listen to it. In this blog I'll share with you how did I tune myself to listen to my own body and the messages I've been receiving.

Make your own research
Don't believe what I say here blindly, go and try it yourself and become a scientist of your own body.

Go to your doctor and ask only if they know about the 'dissident' story or conspiracy theory about HIV.
You can then evaluate the type of person you have in front of you... is it a doctor or a scientist?
Is it open to new ideas and concepts or is so closed minded that makes you even feel stupid for even asking. At the beginning they will be very friendly about it but you will see their reaction as you keep asking questions.

The majority of doctors will have all the arguments in the world to convince you but they wont even try to use them. For them is a case of take your pills or die. They use fear as a way to control...
- "I spent years studding in university and you know nothing"
- "I can tell what's wrong with you and you can't"
- "if you don't do as I tell you you will die"
- "there is no cure for HIV and look what's happening in Africa, at least you have the luck to be treated for free"
- "there is a virus eating you alive"

And I could go on and on... I have heard them all. I'm not inventing all these. I could even give names but I think doctors are not to blame, they are only well trained mindless robots.

So, what's next?
The next step is to become aware of your new reality. Ignoring the problem has never been the solution. Pretending that it will go away somehow is not either.
So how to best tackle this situation?
-By the horns!

That's right from the front with courage and fearless determination to understand your own body, how it works and how the hell you brought it to mess you're in right now.

Yes, HIV... actually your own body will kill you if you ignore it. HIV is the alarm that rings all the bells to tell you 'HEY YOU, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO STOP THINKING ONLY ABOUT YOU AND START PAYING ATTENTION TO ME!, YOU SELFISH BASTARD!'
If your body could talk in words that's exactly what you'd listen. But again, do not believe what I say, please test it yourself.

How to listen to your body?
The easiest and fastest way to listen to your body is to make a diary of all your health situations, from sleepless nights to cancer or occasional accidents.
Here I'd like to make a remark: THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS IN LIFE. - Oops sorry to bring this so abruptly to you but guess what?... That's the way it is! All that is happening to you, you have attracted it for many reasons but mainly because you are ready to face the challenge. So before creating drama or becoming victim of your own circumstances take a look around and realize that all problems, difficulties, accidents, illnesses, diseases are just a way to make you grow as a person and get you closer to your life purpose which is the same in every human being: HAPPINESS & CONTENTMENT!
Whatever you're going through right now, however difficult or impossible to handle is just a step up in the ladder of your life. So stop complaining and start listening to your body because it really knows best.

Once you have your diary with all your symptoms you need to start researching the cause of this symptoms and make a choice. Do you continue or stop?

Diarrhea: Possible causes: Diet, stress, medications, etc.
Diarrhea: Possible solutions: Change my diet, stop my medications, become a yogi, etc.

However you need to take the time, sit in stillness and ask your own body and not everybody around. Taking the time to talk to it with love, forgiveness and compassion.
Wrong attitude: Why am I shitting myself all the time? Fuck!
Positive attitude: Dear digestive system please tell me how am I hurting you? Why can't you keep the nutrients inside? What are you so eager to get rid of?

Don't even think for a moment that this is a matter of one day of asking. I've been asking for years and I've just recently managed to finally listen to the answers. Your body is a machine of constant communication... is YOU the one that is unable to listen. But we'll deal with issue later.

This new reality of yours is something that is changing the way you are for the rest of your life - Embrace the change!

You can forget about the one you were, now your body is in control and will make your mind listen one way or another and you will become its best friend and finally become ONE.
In this quest you will learn the magnificence that is your own body, the miracle of life that happens inside of you every time you breathe. You'll learn to appreciate going to the bathroom and have a beautiful none-smelly shit when you feel that you kept all the nutrients in and easily getting rid of what you no longer need, you will give thanks to the universe for being alive, you'll cry of happiness for having the opportunity to change and become a better you. You will open your eyes to a new dimension to a new era.... the era of self-awareness and love.

A blog meant to work together hand to hand with our own bodies
Together we can do it!


Visit the old HIV Chronicles:
