Hello everyone and welcome to my blog.
I want to give a quick update about what has happened since my last post from the 10th of October 2013. In that post I exposed my cure from HIV after an Elisa test I bought from the internet. Over the years, I confirmed that the disease is not that much in the body as in the mind. As I mention on my first post titled: WHAT IS HIV AND HOW TO HEAL IT.
Today, as I did back then, I believe HIV is more a condition of the mind, a set of beliefs that trigger responses in the body reaffirming the negative limiting beliefs we hold about ourselves.
Another point that has become very evident over the years is the massive impact the diagnosis and word from authorities have in the process of changing beliefs systems. When a doctor says to your face "unless you take your medication you are going to die." goes much deeper than just words talked by another human being.
In this respect, that human being is considered an authority in his or her field. - We are conditioned to believe and trust authority for many reasons but mainly out of fear of the consequences if we don't. I can see that as the result of generations of telling children what to do, respect the teachers and parents, and of course your doctor, which is understood, knows best.
So what about now? Why is now so different, specially around HIV/AIDS, and now even developing into the COVID-19 pandemic which in my opinion is just another level of manipulation and indoctrination. I just ask myself few questions.
- Why are there so many scientist and doctors opposing the theories about those viruses?
- Why there are so worried about silencing those voices?
- I wrote my memoirs in 2015, self-published in 2016
- Had a massive breakdown with my family in 2016 when I came to Madrid to present them with my book and I was backlashed by their complete disregard. As if breaking free from a disease was nothing important.
- Had a mental breakdown.
- A neighbour saved me from a total meltdown by choosing me as his companion during his last breath.
- I began retroviral treatment in 2017, as a way to rebel against all my beliefs. Up to that point, achieving a balance took huge effort from my part.
a) Specific diet and juices
b) Rigorous Kundalini Yoga daily routine.
c) Hours of meditation per day.
I was really tired of all the effort and decided to give myself a break of all the self-control. The fall down with my family also helped me to take that decision since I thought if no one care why should I care myself. - Began training in social care and looked for a job from 2017
- Attended my first group therapy with Survivors UK.
- Tappilini is born. (Tapping or EFT + Kundalini + Breathwork)
- 2018 - Cut my antiretroviral treatment in half with same "undetectable" results.
- 2020 - Stopped my HIV treatment completely as the COVID pandemic hit the world.
- March 2020 - September 2021. Felt great and empowered without taking medication. Not afraid of disease, peaceful and determined.
- 31 December 2020 with my mother staying with me, we decided to go online LIVE to celebrate the New Year's with family, friends and anyone on Facebook.
- Tappilini becomes a Limited Company and begins to trade.
- August 2021, I quit my full-time job with the view to go to Mexico in a tour promoting Tappilini.
- I can't make my dream come true, and I stay in the UK.
- I hired a coach in America to help me create business but the payments are too much for me and I'm not making the the ends meet.
- Struggle with money, fall into depression, anxiety.
- I don't know how to make money. Self-belief crumbles. I feel like sh!t.
- Health-wise, my body stays strong but it begins to suffer gradually.
- March 2022, two years since I stopped the HIV treatment I began wondering if I should restart. With all the stress in my life I cry for help and support.
And this is where I am right now. Realising that all the stress and anxiety from my personal life trying to balance all aspect of it, are a huge factor for the decline in my health. However, and in truth, is a matter of managing my emotions and stress levels.
I never thought I could suffer from anxiety. I always blamed PTSD and childhood trauma, but never really connected with the symptoms of "High Functioning Anxiety", until last night after watching a TikTok. I know, it's to the highest level of research but it was more like a call of intuition. A wake up call.
The following post will show the development from this point.
Thank you so much for being part of my journey. I hope some how it helps putting out there the struggle and the achievements of this quest into pristine SELF-BELIEF AND HEALTH.
Much Love Always x 333
Eduardo Emris Blanco