Let me tell you how I have come to understand what HIV is.
I believe HIV is a defense mechanism living in every human body activated when we reach dangerous levels of self-destructive behaviors, instead of a deadly disease caused by a virus passed on by unprotected sex or blood transfusion.
How did I came up with this conclusion?
First by pure coincidence. One day I stumbled upon information over the internet claiming that HIV is not the cause of AIDS, like on this website: http://www.rethinkingaids.com and many more websites and blogs, oh and lots of videos on youtube, you just need to google 'HIV fact or fraud'.
There's so much information out there that makes me wonder why no one knows about it or talks about it openly.
However, even thou something immediately changed within me, I was still left with massive amount of questions that could be resumed in one: If HIV is not the caused of AIDS, then what is it? I mean, people still get sick and without treatment still die. Why?
Then by years of research trying to understand the whole paradigm of HIV, I went into a process of self discovery I knew that if I wanted to find truth I needed to go somewhere to do my research. But where is that place? Not the internet or the library or the doctors or my friends. There the only information you can get is:
1. HIV is the Virus that causes AIDS
2. HIV is NOT the virus that causes AIDS
If you believe that HIV is a virus then the next step is to get retro-viral treatment and monitor the CD4 and viral load in your blood. Getting very toxic pills that will keep that in control.
However, if you believe that HIV is NOT a virus then what do you do? How do you start feeling normal again? How do you start feeling alive and part of the society? How do you start feeling healthy? Is not easy to go against what everybody else believes to be the truth.
When every single person tell you that you are dying and that is better to get medical treatment before you end up consuming yourself in all kinds of diseases in total weakness until your imminent death, you kind of start building a bloody big fear inside... and sooner or later it will manifest in our health... forget about any virus, the bloody fear will kill you first... and the reason why many jump into retroviral treatment without hesitation.
How to overcome this situation?
Obviously what the promoters of the 'controversy theory' say the secret is: Is to get into a healthy lifestyle and overcome the fear of dying and the weight of the hiv diagnosis.
WOW, that sounds so simple... I mean it can be said in one single sentence. What they don't tell you is how to turn your life around from whatever got you to have an HIV diagnosis to a healthy lifestyle where instead of believing that you're dying believe that you're getting healthier and stronger by the second. (that is the purpose of this blog and I will share my research with you)
If you have HIV symptoms like diarrhea, weight loss, candidiasis, fungus overgrown, PCP or pneumonia, allergies, sleep depravation, depression, addictions to drugs (all kinds, legal or illegal) you need help and fast! But wait, I'm not talking to go running to your closest HIV clinic, I'm talking about running to your closest mirror and begin the greatest journey you have ever imagined.
Doctors know best.... Oh really?
let's make a difference here between doctor or prescription givers and scientist.
-Doctors nowadays are those people who spent year after year polluting their minds with other people's standards of truth. Believing like missionaries on whatever is been told to them and accepting it like religion and the word of god itself.
-scientists are the other kind of people who believe in research and coming up with their own truth and conclusions. Taking what others have done, questioning it, putting it to the test, taking what works and discarding what does not.
A doctor will treat you like an statistic and will prescribed you according to the books.
A scientist will treat you as an individual case with individual needs and will look for your individual symptoms and will suggest different treatments all of which will be on trial period depending on how you react to them.
So after years of my own research I could definitely recommend that if you need a second opinion don't even get closer to a doctor, instead look up for a scientist that is willing to understand you as a person specially regarding HIV. (I'll share my list of scientist in future posts)
However, no doctor, no scientist will ever know better than your own body. The question here is who is more in tune to listen to it. In this blog I'll share with you how did I tune myself to listen to my own body and the messages I've been receiving.
Make your own research
Don't believe what I say here blindly, go and try it yourself and become a scientist of your own body.
Go to your doctor and ask only if they know about the 'dissident' story or conspiracy theory about HIV.
You can then evaluate the type of person you have in front of you... is it a doctor or a scientist?
Is it open to new ideas and concepts or is so closed minded that makes you even feel stupid for even asking. At the beginning they will be very friendly about it but you will see their reaction as you keep asking questions.
The majority of doctors will have all the arguments in the world to convince you but they wont even try to use them. For them is a case of take your pills or die. They use fear as a way to control...
- "I spent years studding in university and you know nothing"
- "I can tell what's wrong with you and you can't"
- "if you don't do as I tell you you will die"
- "there is no cure for HIV and look what's happening in Africa, at least you have the luck to be treated for free"
- "there is a virus eating you alive"
And I could go on and on... I have heard them all. I'm not inventing all these. I could even give names but I think doctors are not to blame, they are only well trained mindless robots.
So, what's next?
The next step is to become aware of your new reality. Ignoring the problem has never been the solution. Pretending that it will go away somehow is not either.
So how to best tackle this situation?
-By the horns!
That's right from the front with courage and fearless determination to understand your own body, how it works and how the hell you brought it to mess you're in right now.
Yes, HIV... actually your own body will kill you if you ignore it. HIV is the alarm that rings all the bells to tell you 'HEY YOU, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO STOP THINKING ONLY ABOUT YOU AND START PAYING ATTENTION TO ME!, YOU SELFISH BASTARD!'
If your body could talk in words that's exactly what you'd listen. But again, do not believe what I say, please test it yourself.
How to listen to your body?
The easiest and fastest way to listen to your body is to make a diary of all your health situations, from sleepless nights to cancer or occasional accidents.
Here I'd like to make a remark: THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS IN LIFE. - Oops sorry to bring this so abruptly to you but guess what?... That's the way it is! All that is happening to you, you have attracted it for many reasons but mainly because you are ready to face the challenge. So before creating drama or becoming victim of your own circumstances take a look around and realize that all problems, difficulties, accidents, illnesses, diseases are just a way to make you grow as a person and get you closer to your life purpose which is the same in every human being: HAPPINESS & CONTENTMENT!
Whatever you're going through right now, however difficult or impossible to handle is just a step up in the ladder of your life. So stop complaining and start listening to your body because it really knows best.
Once you have your diary with all your symptoms you need to start researching the cause of this symptoms and make a choice. Do you continue or stop?
Diarrhea: Possible causes: Diet, stress, medications, etc.
Diarrhea: Possible solutions: Change my diet, stop my medications, become a yogi, etc.
However you need to take the time, sit in stillness and ask your own body and not everybody around. Taking the time to talk to it with love, forgiveness and compassion.
Wrong attitude: Why am I shitting myself all the time? Fuck!
Positive attitude: Dear digestive system please tell me how am I hurting you? Why can't you keep the nutrients inside? What are you so eager to get rid of?
Don't even think for a moment that this is a matter of one day of asking. I've been asking for years and I've just recently managed to finally listen to the answers. Your body is a machine of constant communication... is YOU the one that is unable to listen. But we'll deal with issue later.
This new reality of yours is something that is changing the way you are for the rest of your life - Embrace the change!
You can forget about the one you were, now your body is in control and will make your mind listen one way or another and you will become its best friend and finally become ONE.
In this quest you will learn the magnificence that is your own body, the miracle of life that happens inside of you every time you breathe. You'll learn to appreciate going to the bathroom and have a beautiful none-smelly shit when you feel that you kept all the nutrients in and easily getting rid of what you no longer need, you will give thanks to the universe for being alive, you'll cry of happiness for having the opportunity to change and become a better you. You will open your eyes to a new dimension to a new era.... the era of self-awareness and love.
A blog meant to work together hand to hand with our own bodies
Together we can do it!
Visit the old HIV Chronicles: